Thursday, March 10, 2011


Greetings fellow earth travelers!
The plane-t sure is shaking things up lately. The most fundamental resources are being either depleted or compromised. The earth seems to be "unhappy" with these occurrences. Her vibrations are continuing to rise, as is a natural occurrence due to her expansion, but as she is resonating higher, must she really have to shake us off like fleas too? She is doing the best she can considering the abuse she is receiving. I say, if we fail to cultivate a sense of appreciation for her housing us, shaking us off like fleas is exactly what she'll do. So much for 'man' being the superior species, eh? The fact is, we can do better. We can begin with alternative fuel, developed from natural resources, like water. I claim to be no scientist, but surely you agree, we can do a much better job. The crucial players in today's terrestrial changes are the inventors, horticulturists, herbalists, energy workers, mystics, and the free scientists and physicists. Now that's a team. If all it took to do the job to create health and safe haven for all was money, then it would have happened by now. The word homeless would be extinct. Money will not and is not the cure for today's ills. For the ills are both psychological and spiritual. Look around you. The greatest feeling we get is when we see ourselves reflected back to us from the mirror, as a happy, healthy, and contented being. Well, society's peoples are our mirrors. When is the last time you looked deep into another's eyes? I assure you, when you do, what you find there will astonish you. With that said, let's stop allowing ourselves to be dummied down, in EVERY way. Let's tune in to what is essential➖our hearts. Let us all raise our minds and hearts to the awareness of All-that-is. Not only are we reflections of each other, we are also one another. Let's wake up to that. Namaste'


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