Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We're The 'SHIP'

We have many capabilities that we have forgotten. It's time to remember. Now. Who we really are. The Awakening is happening folks. Actually it's been happening for awhile now, at least for me. My dreams and 'waking' life have always been other-worldly, yet that was the limit of my innerstanding of what I was envisioning. Had I known, that I was receiving sacred 'glimpses' into the Akashic Records in those dreams, I would have been writing my dreams down since I was a child!
As all in Divine Order happens... I receive pieces of information, data, or blocks of thought. I also receive dreams and visions. These messages can take on the form of a color, a scent, an image or a 'picture of words.' I know that form is an illusion, or should I truthfully say, I remember now, that form is merely an illusion, yet I know that while I am focused in the non-physical, for me to innerstand what I am being told or shown, must be related to me in modes of expression that make 'sense' to me as I exist in physical form.
In 2011, one akashic dream found me driving as a passenger in a car on a starless night. We were driving into a community complex. A very black sky with streetlights that slightly lit the tops of trees, surrounded us from above. From the car, we were surrounded by trees and apartments. As we drove along in silence, the driver and I, I happened to look up into the night sky, and lo and behold, there it was. Not just any ship, a geometrically perfect ship, a 'ship'...with lights distinctly located on the body of the ship. 
As I watched, the ship slipped noiselessly behind a huge cloud, disappearing again...Now it made sense to me why the sky was dark...there were so many clouds, they were blocking all the stars.
The combination of the dead silence, the dark sky, and the vastness of the size of the ship, made for an eerie occurrence, I can tell you right now. I felt alive, in awe, and insignificant all at the same time. Right then, while I am immersed in my feelings, the car suddenly dies. The ship reappeared, emerging little by little from behind the enormous cloud, floating silently, slowly across the midnight sky directly above us, until I could see the full size of this thing. All I can say is something this massive, to have made no noise whatsoever, and to glide so effortlessly across the sky, makes for an extraordinary experience!
The ship was defying everything I knew about physics, time and space. It was quite... other-worldly. As we sat in the 'dead' car, with the ship gliding effortlessly above, the driver began vibrating, uncontrollably, and began crying a little from their fear. I placed my arms around the driver's neck, to hide myself, because at this point, I have to admit, I felt like a helpless flea. I comforted the driver the best I could as the shaking subsided.
The ship continued its journey across the dark night sky, and I just happened to notice, that not only was the car completely dead, the power in the entire complex was out, including the streetlights, which were completely black. As the ship moved silently farther and farther away from us, the car, the streetlights, and the entire power in the community complex came back on. All at once. Push-button on. As we drove on, we noticed a couple of people standing very still, just staring up into the night sky, in the direction of the disappearing ship.
I woke from my dream suddenly, and immediately began to draw what I saw. I tried to recapture the image 'they' showed me of the ship, doing the best I could. I had a hard time connecting the lines on the ship to the lights, so what I drew was askew just a little (that was funny). Then just today, my dear friend introduced me to Alex Grey's artwork. Well, all I can say is, at first look at one of his pieces, I knew, that I knew that I knew, that I was looking at my 'ship.' The image above is accurately what I saw.
Perhaps you are familiar with the Hermetic Kabbalah: The Universal Tree of Life. Well, that is exactly what the ship in my dream looked like. Grey, in his artwork, took this Tree of Life, pictured above, superimposing it on the human body. And when I saw that image, it synced. We are the Tree of Life. We are the ship. The Tree of Life IS a ship--IS US. Therefore, we are the being and the craft, all at the same time.
And maybe, you have heard of "Extra Terrestrial Intelligence," who operate their craft with their consciousness, and that their craft IS a living consciousness, an extension of themselves. Well, that's what this whole blog is about. It's to relate to you that what we observe as superior intelligence from other beings from other worlds, 'we' possess those capabilities, and 'we' have a ship AS our body, or should I say, IS, a dimension of our living consciousness. What this means folks, is that we have direct access to another aspect or dimension of ourselves, if we allow it. 
From my direct experiences I've owned that yes, I receive information, and yes I have 'seen' and 'heard' and 'felt' things. Yes, this is all factual. And from it all, I have gleaned that the data I receive, is a helpful reminder for me, to 'wake up.' I relate the information. From there, you are free to do what you will with it for yourself. I am here only to relate the messages as I receive them. I have no care whether anyone believes. I do intend however, that anything I relate, is used for the highest good of hue-manity, and the highest good of ALL. Namaste'

Image: Trenton Lessett "Archangel Sandalphon"

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Where I live...there comes a gentle, aged man, who, regardless of the weather, strolls the same grounds each and every day. You can tell by watching him, that he is observing everything as if for the very first time. If it's raining, he carefully considers the puddle, as if saying hello, before stepping over it. If it's a sunny day, you can catch him holding his face to the sun. When winter's white is cast upon the land, with his exposed fingertip, he gently touches a hanging branch covered in snow. The autumn leaves fall around him, while he takes in cool, brisk, extended breaths of the crisp air....deeply, calmly. Yes, in this area, the weather changes. Yes, the scenery changes, and yes, his clothes also change. Yet, even though the location remains exactly the same... this particular individual, somehow manages to travel the entire world in one stroll. And he does this everyday. I'm beginning to intuit, that I am witnessing a sage...

Image by icsilviu from